Please note: I've updated some information on our course schedule. (To get to our course schedule, follow the "syllabus" label on the right side-bar of this page, open the syllabus, and scroll down to the week-by-week breakdown.) You'll notice these updates in red. Hopefully, they should be pretty clear.
Now, to explain: What happened was I ended up with several obligations on my hands that I couldn't pass off to someone else, and as a result, I won't be able to make it to Alexandria on those days. I apologize for the sudden change in plan.
The bottom line is this: We won't meet on three different Thursdays in March: The 6th, the 20th, and the 27th. Instead, I'll provide some material here, on our course site, for us to work on.
Again, I apologize. As always, if you've got questions -- or, in this case, if you've got suggestions for a better solution -- please email me.
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